James Richards, Community Safety Officer speaking to the TRA of Ingestre Road reminds us as a community it is important we report ASB, (Anti-Social Behaviour), or any other crime by emailing james.richards@camden.gov.uk   

This helps the police and council gather important evidence. Steven  wants to achieve the following for our estate and community on Ingestre Road:-
  1.  Robust reporting of ASB to the police and Community Safety
  2.  A safe supportive environment for all
  3.  Open communication from Camden Council

Community Safety and  Emergency Management with Camden Council and the Police 

Call 999 to report a crime that is taking place or about to take place.

Anti-Social Behaviour please also email


 after speaking to the Responsive Security Patrol. 


All complaints are logged and discussed with the police every single day at HUB meetings by Community Presence Officers and Community Safety Officers. You will receive a reply and reference number. THIS IS IMPORTANT 
as it helps the police to build up intelligence, where to put more police officers on the street in any given area to help keep everyone safe in Camden; assists in making arrests and/or supporting our housing mangers to help troublesome tenants or their guests get the required support they may need.

Police Safer Neighbourhood Team contact details are:-
Tel - 020 8721 2699 
Email -        sntek-.kentishtown@met.pnn.police.uk 

Our Community Safety Officer is James Richards.

The Responsive Security Patrol. (Our security patrol unit that's included in our rent from 4pm to 330am everyday). Call to report any Anti-Social Behaviour on our estate. They will inform the Housing Manager and police. This unit also operates the CCTV in Camden. Call 020 7974 4444
It will go through some options, don't press any buttons, stay on the phone and you'll be connected to a live operator. You will be asked by the operator if the call is Anti-Social, i.e. drugs, youths in stair -way etc. 
If noise from a neighbour .
Details are taken and you'll be informed what will happen next.

The security company that patrols our estate is called 'Cromer' and they will access the situation.
Whereby they will deal with or will ring the police to deal with if they feel it is unsafe for them to resolve, i.e. a large gang of youths.

Report rough sleeping and other street activity including begging or street drinking call 0808 800 0005

 Non-Emergencies 24/7 call 101 

Crime Stoppers - anonymous crime reporting - 0800 555 111

ASB (Anti Social Behaviour) support offers practical and emotional support to those affected by ASB. Call 020 7506 3224 

Camden's policy for ASB can be found by clicking here.

To report ASB to Camden Council click here.

Visit Camden Crime Safety web site by pressing the link  below for ASB, Rough Sleeping, Emergencies and Domestic Violence -  
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